5 Tips To Live An Inspired Life

Hello queens! 

Posting more frequently this month and onwards! Todays post has been inspired by the start I've had this month - it's been hectic, full of opportunities but also some small funks! Here are some tips I've gathered in my tool box that I use when I feel a little unmotivated. Hope this can help give you the boost you need when you're in a funk! 

1. Write down your goals and aspirations. 
Often in life we get so busy with the mundane we lose touch with what inspires us and what we truly want to pursue. I love to spend an hour or two sitting in a cafe and just journaling. Writing down what comes to mind and then seeing what comes up. This should spark you joy and motivation and help you re-connect with your bliss! 

2. Spend time with people who light you up!
This one is my favourite. I think it's so important to surround yourself with people who give you good vibes (a good test of this is to be aware of how you feel after you hang out with them do they feed your soul or drain it?) Often we become so occupied in our own lives we forget to spend time with those who light us up! Make time with those people even if it's a quick coffee date, you will feel so much better and it will feed both your souls. 

3. Listen to podcasts, interviews, or films/TV shows that give you joy and spark something in you! 
As an actress I get in this unmotivated funk at least once every few weeks. It's the up and down lifestyle but I make sure to surround myself with material that inspires me and is what I strive to do in my own work. I listen to a lot of podcasts of my favourite actors talking about their process and journey and it instantly gives me that push I need! This can be any field - find mediums that give you joy and inspo and bookmark them for when you need that motivation. (This could be ted talks, youtube channels, books etc)

4. Treat yourself night! 
Let's be real when we feel unmotivated sometimes all we need is a night to ourselves with a face mask, good book/Netflix show and maybe a little dance party. (Sometimes a sneaky glass of wine is perfectly okay too) 

5. Get out and take a class (exercise, improv, cooking etc)
This one I recently added to my toolkit. As scary as it can be taking a new class whether that be an improv class or a new soul cycle class can also be the most liberating! I find having a class to attend each week really helps keep me inspired and on track! Get out there, find a class that sparks joy and SIGN UP! You'll thank me later... 

Hope these tips help you!! Always reach out if they do - I love hearing from you! :)

Until next time, keep radiating those good vibes! Xxx
