5 Lessons From My Call Centre Job

Hello queens! 

This year I took a job in a call centre, never in a million years did I think would be doing this but here I am! 
I must admit, it was overwhelming at first and I wanted to quit but perseverance is the key and it's taught me some lessons along the way. 

At the end of the day, I'm still fabulous. So, here we go 5 lessons working in a call centre taught me.. 

1. People prefer or find confrontation and abuse over the phone easier than in person. A day in my job where someones hasn't yelled at me is a great day!

2. It's a really great job for actors who need some extra $$. I'm always practicing my accents for class or a gig! Bonus when the customer believes me and comments.. Just have to remember to have my backstory ready when they ask what part of America I'm from. 

3. Developing a thick skin is key. This is something that I'm so grateful for, 7 months ago if someone had yelled at me, told me the reason they haven't got their refund was my fault I would not have been able to handle it. Leap into the future and someone swearing and yelling over the phone doesn't phase me I just tell them to have a lovely day, it's not personal.

4. Patience!!! A standard day on calls could be guiding someone to a license application or waiting doing a booking for a pensioner, patience is key! So far, my longest call has been 50 minutes.... 

5. People don't take responsibility for their own actions. Working in a call centre made me realise how people in our day and age don't take responsibility for their own actions. We like to put the blame on others. If I had a dollar for every time someone told me it was my fault they didn't receive their renewal letter I'd be rolling in the money...

These are just the top 5 that came to mind, I've definitely learnt so much more, so much that I'm in the process of creating some video content around it. So, stay tuned lovelies! 

Until next post, have a beautiful week and always radiate positivity! Xxx
