Self Care Month!

Hello queens! 

It's September already!? I didn't forget about posting on Friday it's just been a very overwhelming week. I've recently started full time work, had my showreel shoot, been doing classes and working on new material and I can say that adding full time work into that mix has exhausted me but you know what? I've decided September is going to be all about self care! Using this month to get into a solid routine, re look at my goals, and create time for ME this month.

Self care is so so important and often when life gets busy we forget to take a moment out of our busy lives to listen to our heart and treat ourselves. Self care needs to be a priority and I'm going to share some tips to help improve your self care and in turn give your self esteem some love. 

1. Understand what makes you feel great 
Write down a list of all the things that make YOU happy! Then whenever you are feeling overwhelmed or stressed look at this list and choose something to do! Always go back to this list and remember to do things for you.

2. Develop trusting friendships that make you feel good
I believe that you are a representation of the people you hang around. If you're a negative nancy chances are the people you attract are negative too. If you're positive and bubbly chances are you will attract the same people. Always make sure the people you surround yourself with make you feel good. Make sure they don't drain your energy or give you bad vibes and don't be afraid to cut toxic relationships out of your life. 

3. Set goals to achieve what you want
Following on from last weeks post (if you haven't read it go NOW) setting goals is so important to keep you on track and achieving your biggest desires. Goal setting is essential to self care because its all about YOU and your desires. 

4. Take a bubble bath, dance in your underwear, watch a childhood film
This one is my favourite and absolute go to in my self care routine. I like to leave one night a week free. No plans, no work, just a night to take a nice bath, use a face mask and watch a movie or binge watch a TV show.. it's almost always the princess diaries or catching up on true crime documentaries... 

5. Be your own cheerleader
This tip is all about backing yourself! When I went to NYC last year I had the sudden realisation that I was always seeking validation from others about myself and my abilities. You know what? No one is going to tell you you're amazing, you have to trust yourself and believe and give yourself the pep talk.. it's not selfish at all, LOVE YOURSELF! 

There you go lovelies! Some tips to try this month to look after yourself and focus on YOU! I firmly believe once you back yourself you can help others and shine that light! 

Be bright! 

P.s. I am currently in the middle of creating my 1:1 goal setting coaching templates. If you want some FREE coaching on setting goals and getting on the right path to living your dream life then please hit me up! 

Follow me on Insta: @_sarahleigh 
