How To Set Up Your Month For Success

Hello Queens! 

New month, new blog post! WHOOOO! It's a new month which is always exciting for me. I think of a new month as a fresh start full of opportunities and new mindsets. It's a time to start fresh, treasure what you learnt in the previous month and keep going with a fresh intention! 

I know the struggle of setting goals, being motivated and following through heck I've been there and still am learning but I wanted to share three tips that help me set myself up for success each month! 

1. Take some time to reflect on the previous month and celebrate your wins!
Okay, I get it sometimes life sucks and you have a not so great month but I can guarantee you had some wins take some time to reflect and write them down. Writing down your wins puts it all into perspective and is something to go back too when you feel down and unmotivated! Write down at least 3 wins you had last month! 

2. Create an intention for the month! 
I am a total sucker for positive quotes they make me happy! I often find my inspiration in these quotes to create my intention for the month. Create something bad-ass for yourself and make it completely positive! E.g. "This month is all about putting me first" or "this month is about being the most badass I can be" experiment and play around find an intention that makes you feel confident! 

3. Write down three goals you want to achieve by the end of the month! 
I LOVE goal setting it is my favourite, it helps keep me accountable and in sight of my dreams. I firmly believe setting baby goals to get to your big goal is the key to reaching your dreams! At the beginning of the month get into the habit of writing down three goals you want to achieve by the end of the month and put them where you can see it every day (KEEP YOURSELF ACCOUNTABLE GIRL) always check in with these goals and feel the joy when you achieve by the end of the month, because you will. :) #hustle

I'm making this blog my focus for this month - I missed creating content on all things wellness and positivity! So, stay tuned for more regular posts and also some video content COMING SOON! 

Keep spreading love and light and chasing your dreams! Xxx
