Hello queens!
Happy New Year - I hope you have a beautiful 2019 kicking goals and radiating light! :)
I pondered writing a post about reflecting on my 2018, setting new goals for the new year but lately if I'm honest I hit a bit of a bump at the end of 2018 and into the new year... for anyone who knows me knows I am always a ray of positivity. I live and breathe good vibes, self help books, intentions and mediation but I am also like anyone else and my self doubt comes into play and I do still have days where I feel stuck but through that I've learnt to feel what I'm feeling, know it's going to work out, rest and get up again the next day!
Moving to Vancouver has been the best and hardest decision. The first few months were full of tears and anxiety but also full of joy and triumphs. When I look back on my 2018 I accomplished so much and am so proud of my wins but I found myself feeling a little uncomfortable and full of anxiety. I then read the quote above and it spoke to my soul. I found myself a little scared of the new year... don't get me wrong I am so excited to see where it takes me but also my anxiety kicked in a little and it made me feel stuck and unmotivated. Fear was really taking over. Then, I decided if I'm feeling scared of my goals this is a good sign and I followed some simple tips to help me get back on track! #hustle
1. Listen to your body and be okay with resting.
December was a busy month for me. It was full of lots of working and I found my body craving rest but I didn't listen and this may be the reason my mood shifted. As the holiday period ended my body completely shut down a little and when I did have the time to rest I felt guilty - like I should always be hustling. But, I'm here to tell you, you should rest and be 100% guilt free! We all need to rest and listen to our bodies, it will thank you later! Sleep, drink lots of water and binge a good netflix show is my go to!
2. Look back on your goals and vision board.
This one always helps me. Personally, I'm a very visual person and seeing my goals and dreams written down always inspires me and keeps me on track! If you haven't already written down your goals and dreams - do it! Keep in it in an easily accessible place for easy access.
3. Speak to someone you trust.
When life gets uncomfortable it's important to know your support system. Reach out and speak to someone. They can often also give you perspective. Sometimes in our own minds things seem so out of reach and complicated but telling someone and hearing an outside opinion can really change your view. Perspective is EVERYTHING, especially from someone you trust and can call you on your bullshit.
4. Honestly, sometimes you need to cry and that's OK.
I would be lying if I said every day was sunshine. I've had my fair share of tears, crying is also very therapeutic. So, cry those tears don't bottle it up. It's such a good release.
5. Tell yourself it's all going to work out - because it will!
This tip always gets me through. I'm a big believer of light at the end of the tunnel even when life gets dark. Acknowledging how you're feeling and then telling yourself it's going to be ok is sometimes all you need to do. You got this.
Hope these little tips help you live a radiant life when it gets a little hard - I'm here to tell you it's not always sunshine but, you will get through it. :)
Until next time! Xx
Happy New Year - I hope you have a beautiful 2019 kicking goals and radiating light! :)
I pondered writing a post about reflecting on my 2018, setting new goals for the new year but lately if I'm honest I hit a bit of a bump at the end of 2018 and into the new year... for anyone who knows me knows I am always a ray of positivity. I live and breathe good vibes, self help books, intentions and mediation but I am also like anyone else and my self doubt comes into play and I do still have days where I feel stuck but through that I've learnt to feel what I'm feeling, know it's going to work out, rest and get up again the next day!
Moving to Vancouver has been the best and hardest decision. The first few months were full of tears and anxiety but also full of joy and triumphs. When I look back on my 2018 I accomplished so much and am so proud of my wins but I found myself feeling a little uncomfortable and full of anxiety. I then read the quote above and it spoke to my soul. I found myself a little scared of the new year... don't get me wrong I am so excited to see where it takes me but also my anxiety kicked in a little and it made me feel stuck and unmotivated. Fear was really taking over. Then, I decided if I'm feeling scared of my goals this is a good sign and I followed some simple tips to help me get back on track! #hustle
5 tips to help motivate yourself when things get a little uncomfortable.
1. Listen to your body and be okay with resting.
December was a busy month for me. It was full of lots of working and I found my body craving rest but I didn't listen and this may be the reason my mood shifted. As the holiday period ended my body completely shut down a little and when I did have the time to rest I felt guilty - like I should always be hustling. But, I'm here to tell you, you should rest and be 100% guilt free! We all need to rest and listen to our bodies, it will thank you later! Sleep, drink lots of water and binge a good netflix show is my go to!
2. Look back on your goals and vision board.
This one always helps me. Personally, I'm a very visual person and seeing my goals and dreams written down always inspires me and keeps me on track! If you haven't already written down your goals and dreams - do it! Keep in it in an easily accessible place for easy access.
3. Speak to someone you trust.
When life gets uncomfortable it's important to know your support system. Reach out and speak to someone. They can often also give you perspective. Sometimes in our own minds things seem so out of reach and complicated but telling someone and hearing an outside opinion can really change your view. Perspective is EVERYTHING, especially from someone you trust and can call you on your bullshit.
4. Honestly, sometimes you need to cry and that's OK.
I would be lying if I said every day was sunshine. I've had my fair share of tears, crying is also very therapeutic. So, cry those tears don't bottle it up. It's such a good release.
5. Tell yourself it's all going to work out - because it will!
This tip always gets me through. I'm a big believer of light at the end of the tunnel even when life gets dark. Acknowledging how you're feeling and then telling yourself it's going to be ok is sometimes all you need to do. You got this.
Hope these little tips help you live a radiant life when it gets a little hard - I'm here to tell you it's not always sunshine but, you will get through it. :)
Until next time! Xx
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