Being Grateful

Hello beautiful people, 

Ya girl is back with another post. This weeks post is about being grateful. I've always been someone to be grateful even for the smallest things in life. Growing up my parents always taught me to count my lucky stars and celebrate the small things in life - which I am eternally grateful for and is a lesson I'll keep with me for life and hope I can inspire you reading to be more grateful every day! 

Since being three months into my new life in Vancouver being grateful has been so important. When someone asks me about how the move has been it's been great, I haven't been happier in my life but it's also had its challenges and has brought up feelings of being completely overwhelmed and ridden with anxiety. How do I get through these feelings? 

Great question you ask! So, to be completely honest at first I shut down and would spend time locked up in my room crying and feeling sorry for myself - not productive at all (but I will admit sometimes you need a good cry and I'm completely behind that statement.) So, I picked up one of my good old self help books and made myself a cup of tea and got reading. Something that really resonated with me at the time was an exercise to write down 3 things you are grateful for right now - so I did. At that moment in time it was 

1. Living in Vancouver
2. Brooklyn 99 TV Show
3. Having beautiful friends and family 

Looking over that little list started to put things in perspective. The "aha" moment - in life we often become so fixated on what we don't have or what we haven't achieved yet we forget about everything we do have and have achieved. 

You are so on track, the universe is aligning, I said to myself. 

I will be honest as someone who advocates radiating positivity and wellness there are some days I forget to practice what I preach which is why I always go back to my self help books to keep me on track and aligned! (Handy tip - read all the books and find what resonates and works for you) 

SO, my challenge to you for this week is to keep a gratitude list. Every single day write down minimum 3 things you are grateful for - it could be "the smiley face the barista put on my coffee cup at starbucks" or "getting a text from my best friend today" once you start this habit it really puts things in perspective and makes you appreciate how great your life. 

Having a gratitude list helps keep you grounded. It's great to open when you are feeling overwhelmed as a list to see how far you have come and what is great in your life because you are GREAT! 

At the end of the day we all wish we had more or achieved more by "this" age but what if we shifted that focus to what we have right now in this moment? (food for thought)

Breathe, be in this moment and be grateful. You're alive! 

Radiate love and light always! Xxx
