5 Tips For Wellness

Hello beauties!

Bonus post this week!! (there will be a regular post on monday too!)

This is a short and sweet one for your friYAY! It's been a pretty hectic week in my life. I signed to a new acting agent which was on my dream list which was a pretty big achievement and I also have some pretty big plans lined up for 2019! So, I've been busy hustling over here. But, as the year is coming to a close it's also a time where it can be easy to fall into a slump, become unmotivated and uninspired and forget to look after yourself! SO, here are 5 tips to help boost your wellness over this holiday slump and for life. 

1. Fuel your body with things that are good for you! Lots of fruits, greens and WATER!
This is one I often forget because I'm usually working lots, on the go and love some junk food but I find this is why I feel so unmotivated. Look after your body and feed it with all the good stuff. (In saying that always find time to treat yourself too - you deserve that chocolate and cake)

2. Schedule time to hang out with people that light you up!
Personally I love spending time with people who I vibe with, support me and make me feel like I'm worth it. It fuels me and often the people I surround myself with keep me grounded and sane. So, find your tribe, tell them you love them and hang out! 

3. Spend time journaling!
One of my favourite things to do that I learnt from one of my most treasured acting coaches Nadia Townsend is journaling/free hand writing. Nadia used it as an acting exercise for character work which I treasure but I also use it for my wellness. It's my go to when I feel anxious or overwhelmed. Spend 2-5 minutes just writing down whatever you feel - better on a piece of paper than stuck in your head! 

4. Have a treat yo self day/night!
I am a big advocate for treating yourself! It's so important to spend time with yourself and recharge those batteries so you can conquer the world! My favourite treat yo self thing to do is either a face mask, a good book or netflix night in or taking myself to a cosy cafe and reading a book. 

5. Be kind to yourself!
This one is so important! I find that at this time of year we become so hard on ourselves because we feel we haven't achieved what we thought we would but you know what YOU HAVE! You are just being too hard on yourself. Shift that mindset, celebrate your wins this year and kick butt in the new year - focus on the future. You are a shining star and don't think otherwise! 

Hope these tips help and inspire you! Please reach out to me - I love to hear from you! :) 
I also have a 12 days of wellness launching on my instagram TODAY! So stay tuned! 


Instagram: @_sarahleigh
