Find Your Tribe And Hold Them Tight.

Hello queens! 

Hope you are all radiating love and light today! I'm currently writing this post from bloody VANCOUVER!!!!! It's pretty surreal to be here even if it's for a few days but heck I am feeling all the good feels. Cannot wait to make this my home in 6 months! 

Previously I spent some time in my favourite city New York (that city will always have a special place in my heart) and with my parents in New Jersey and it's been nothing but good vibes, reflections, realisations and inspiration. 

One of the biggest lessons I've learnt is to find your tribe. To me this is finding the people that make your heart happy. You know those people you hang out with and you feel so damn good afterwards. Those friends you want to shower in hugs and kisses because they are so damn amazing?? Ever have that feeling? Most likely, those people are part of your tribe and you should keep them very close. 

Something about finding your tribe is that it is a very trial and error process. You won't find them straight away and there are people that you won't connect with and you know what? That's A-OKAY. It's all part of life and the process.

Growing up I was quite the people pleaser, I was consistently seeking validation from other people to tell me I'm good enough. It wasn't fulfilling and it's something I look back on and think why I didn't love myself. I am worth all the love. I am enough. THAT IS SO IMPORTANT. We should all love ourselves. Because, I didn't love myself I was attracting negative energy. During that time my tribe reflected how I was feeling. I was attracting friends who didn't believe in my worth, would put me down and often reflect their own problems on me. Then one day, I decided this had to change. I had to change my mindset, realise what I want and radiate that to in turn find my tribe. 

Here are three lessons/ways to find your tribe! 

1. Love yourself first. This is so so important. Take time to sit with yourself, write down what inspires you, what you love about yourself. Be your own cheerleader! You need to put yourself first and truly love you and in turn you will be radiating happiness and light and your tribe will follow. Essentially, you attract people with the same vibe so if you radiate love and light you attract people of the same nature. 

2. Accept that you won't connect with everyone and that's OK. I was watching an Anthony Meindl video (link: and even though it was in the context of auditioning he said an amazing line "A no doesn't mean anything, it just means no!" and to further that he explained that some people will love you and some people won't it's not personal. We don't get a long with everyone, and I believe there's a reason for that. This has taken me years to grasp and am still accepting but if you can learn this now life will be so much more free and fulfilling.

3. Always ask yourself how you are feeling. An important part of testing your tribe is always engaging with your emotions. I like to reflect at the end of the day and how I'm feeling, most of the time I'm feeling quite content and happy but we have our days and I could be feeling down. I always ask myself why? The answer is never "I don't know" because you do - you just gotta be honest. Sometimes it's because I wasn't productive enough or I'm exhausted which are valid but if it's because of an interaction you had with a friend that made you feel down in the dumps it might be time to re-evaulate that friendship. Your tribe should always bring you up and make you feel warm and fuzzy. If you suddenly don't feel that way it's time to ask yourself why and change that.

Remember it's all a learning curve and you may not find your tribe straight away or you may and things change. Always love yourself first, radiate love and the universe will take care of the rest! Xx
