Hello Queens!
My absolute queen, goddess, idol Katy Perry has kicked off her Witness World Tour. I unfortunately won't be able to witness this tour till July next year but oh my heart she has made me feel like a proud mum. It has however, also made me realise how much this woman has inspired and shaped me as an individual today. When I was lucky enough to meet the woman herself this year she said a few things to me which I will forever hold close to me, but what she said towards the end of our meet and greet was when I told her I've been there since 09. She looked me in the eyes and said "we grew up together, it's nice to grow up together" and wrapped her arms around me. I'll treasure that moment forever.
I've been a katycat since 2009. All my closest friends know my obsession with Katy and also know that when tour starts they expect their feeds filled with KATY PERRY, because it will and I'm not even sorry.
I was thirteen years old when I first heard I kissed a girl for the first time. It was actually on YouTube where I saw the music video and that's where it all started. Thinking back I can't really pin point why it was Katy who took my attention but I was going through a difficult time and Katy was 'different' and didn't care what anyone thought she was LIVING HER BEST LIFE.
From that point I bought her first album 'One of The Boys' begging my dad to play it in the car on the ride to school. Something about her music sparked something in me and gave me joy. A song 'Fingerprints' in particular will always be close to me. The lyrics "don't give up, don't give in" are today, still a constant reminder to myself to never give up. 2009 was period in my life where I didn't really fit in, my anxiety was at full blast and I was going through my awkward phase. Katy really did grow up with me. Even if she wasn't there for me personally her music was and still is. I've been there through every album and each album has connected and taught me something new. I'm so glad Katy is the person I look up too and will always be teaching me something new and reminding me to follow my dreams! So, here is a list of 15 lessons Katy Perry has taught me so far...
1. Believe in yourself and you can achieve anything.
2. Love unconditionally
3. Don't let one persons opinions stop you from achieving your goals
4. It's okay to embrace your weirdness
5. Always radiate light and happiness
6. Patience and gratitude
7. As an artist, to let my vulnerability show
8. It's okay not to be okay
9. Stand up for myself and what I believe in
10. To glow even in the lowest moments. Lyric in Power "even in the dark I glow" is forever close to my heart as this reminder.
11. You are enough
12. Take pride in your accomplishments.
Katy wrote in 2015:
"Ladies, there is a difference between being humble and working hard to see the fruits of your labor blossom, and your dreams realized. Hopefully this cover can be an inspiration to women out there that it's okay to be proud of hard earned success and that there is no shame in being a boss"13. Be open and honest
14. Surround yourself with positive people and always be a humble person. It doesn't hurt to support and give good vibes to those around you
15. Finally, to always show up. There is a scene in her film KP: Part of Me that hits me in the heart every single time. After her break up with Russell Brand she still has a show to perform. She however puts that smile on her face and goes on with the show. A true testament to how strong she is and how in life you still have to show up even when life throws a curve ball. You are strong and you will get through.
If you haven't seen it watch here > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rucdi4IYzAw
So, thank you Katy! If you do ever read this, I want to thank YOU. You have always been there for me, reminded me to stay strong, not give up, embrace my quirks and follow my dreams. Xx
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