Hello there.. yes you.. reading this how are you? Are you okay? Do you need a hug? No? Okay I'll just get on with it.
My name is Sarah. I'm 21 years old, an actress, a little awkward, gets out of ANY situation with humour, obsessed with Katy Perry, definitely a crazy cat lady, and I love a good night out with my gals not remembering the night before but at the same also loves staying at home with a nice cup of tea and watching repeats of FRIENDS.
I'm often described as that one person who is always so happy and positive. If you really
know me, I'm that person who loves to be
optimistic and think of all the good things. I'm a VERY big motivator and love saying the phrase "YES GIRL." or saying "Girl" in general because who doesn't? Let's put it this way if we were on a sinking ship I would most likely be the one telling everyone to stay calm and think happy thoughts... (dramatic, but you get the idea)
Recently, I've been on a kind of spiritual journey in my life. I've been reading too many self help books and too many blogs about the law of attraction, goal setting and how to live your best life. Often these people I'm learning from are at a point in their life where they kind of have it 'figured' out and it got me thinking of creating my own blog where I share my journey with YOU! You get to learn from someone who is experimenting and learning what works for me and how I'm finding my happiness in everyday life.
The inspiration from this came from some dear friends of mine who I often found a trend in what they were telling me it would always be along the lines of
"You are so motivated"
"You are the happiest person I've ever met.."
"How are you so positive??"
"You are so sassy.." (I will take this compliment any day)
The answer?
Essentially my happiness comes from being connected to my spirit, intuition and vibes. Learning to trust with my heart and not my head. Setting goals that make my heart beat a little fast and letting those goals lead my life and lastly, taking time out for me to reset, connect with how I'm feeling and remember everything POSITIVE in my life because we can throw the NEGATIVE in the trash.
Want to learn more about how I connect to my heart? Then please stay tuned to this blog! I want to post once a week on a topic related to wellness and my journey. I hope I can inspire YOU to connect with your heart and follow your dreams! We're all in this together and you gotta support each other!
Week #1 Inspo! (TRY IT YOURSELF)
Grab a cup of your favourite tea, sit down and write down your dreams, goals and things that inspire you. Keep this with you at all times and when you feel down or overwhelmed read them over and get yourself back on track! We all have our days, weeks even months of being uninspired you just gotta get yourself back on track! :)
Credit to Lauren Orrell Photography & Tumblr for images.
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