How To Set Goals and Actually Keep Them!

Hello queens! (I'm trying this out, do you like it?)

This weeks post was going to be about mercury retrograde but I'm saving that as a bonus post - keep a look out! (pssst.. keep Sunday free.)

This beautiful Friday we are going to discuss goal setting. 

I've always been that kid that made lists. I always have a lot going on in my mind and it was suggested I write everything down instead of keeping it in my head and eventually driving me crazy... even though I'm probably past that already. 

Often when people suggest goal setting to me I used to roll my eyes back, "goal setting again!?" or "great, going to write down some goals I won't achieve or don't motivate me."

It wasn't until the end of last year that goal setting actually meant something to me and started to inspire me to kick butt. Last year I spent the most part of my year working ridiculous hours in a certain tourism company (those of you who know me, know this place it's kind of iconic) the job was great and I'm forever grateful for the people I met and still are in contact with today but it was draining me physically and emotionally and I neglected my creative side for a good year. Then, classic me decided I was going to use my hard earned savings to go to New York for a month which turned out to be one of the most crumbling but inspiring trips of my life, it was a trip that broke me, woke me up and made me realise "fuck, I have to get my shit together and follow my god damn dreams."

After this iconic trip I came home with a new mindset. I fell in love with New York and realised thats what I wanted in life to be back in that city living my best life. Which was a  great realisation for me. I've also always been quite stubborn and my ambition to become an actress has always stuck with me, I don't have a plan B because in my head and my intuition I truly believe this is going to happen. The only thing I was lacking was effective goals and steps in place to get me there. 

So, from my own personal experience that I've been working on this year here are my three tips to setting goals and actually keeping them. 


For me I actually spent a whole day creating my goals. I know, you're saying "A WHOLE DAY!!??" I get it, we live in a society where time is money so if you can't find a whole day take a morning or afternoon just a solid amount of time dedicated to creating your goals. 

First, relax. Now, take the time to write down everything you want in life (try some free writing exercises from last week but start with "I want..." or "I aspire..") Now, it's important to feel into your intuition. The goals your writing down should literally make your heart beat a little fast, you should be excited! 


Great. Now, you should have some goals written down that excite you. This is where we get a little logistical about it. The best way (for me) is to break down your goals into chunks. 

  •  A small goal you want to achieve during the week 
  • Weekly goals can be about anything just something to set you for the week 
  • It can align with your bigger goal, be personal, or something in regards to your health and general well being 
  • Examples: exercise twice this week, drink 2 litres of water, meditate once etc. 
  • These goals are kind of an extension of your weekly goals 
  • A good way to set a monthly goal is think about what you want to achieve at the end of the month 
  • Examples: Have my showreel shoot done, get a list of jobs to apply for, have a daily meditation practice
  • Every six months it's good to have three specific goals that you want to achieve
  • Can be related to anything in your life but should also be in tune with your bigger goal in life
  • Be very specific about it
  • Examples: (mine were) get an acting agent, be less anxious in my acting work, gain full time work. (Can gladly say I did achieve these three goals in six months)
  • This is your my heart is beating a little fast goal, the most exciting goal
  • This goal can be as ambitious as you want, honestly. 
  • Always come back to this goal to keep you on track
  • Example: (mine) To be living in New York and have just finished a film with one of my favourite actresses Anne Hathaway. It's so out there but specific and who knows what can happen in five years? You gotta dream big with your five year goal. 
Essentially, when you sit down to write your goals start with your five year goal - the dream then work your way back creating smaller goals to help you achieve that five year goal. Breaking it down makes it a little less overwhelming and should keep you inspired. 


This step applies to the 'actually keeping your goals' part of this post. I have a journal specifically for all my goal writing. Every week, month etc I write down my goals and what I want to achieve and keep it with me at all times. If I'm feeling a little overwhelmed I look at my goals to remind me what I'm going to focus on and get me on track. I also find looking at my 5 year goal (where I'm heading at the end of this) gets me straight back on track. 

There you have it! Something to get you going on your goals and kicking butt! 
Also, always remember to be kind to yourself. If you don't meet a weekly or monthly goal don't beat yourself up - life happens. These goals should be there to keep you inspired and motivated so never lose sight!! You got this.

I am also currently working on eventually doing some 1:1 coaching to do with goal setting and trusting your intuition - so please, stay tuned about that and hit me up if you would be interested, can't do this without y'all! 

Until next time, share the positive vibes!
